Energy as a Function of Time

A recent article published in the journal Nature, describes the successful experimental demonstration of a quantum piston engine. Our laboratory focuses on a similar quantum piston engine concept that utilizes unbalanced ion acceleration in a quantum ferroelectric material, PSZT (Lead Strontium Zirconate Titanate). These are quantum open systems that cannot adequately be described by traditional thermodynamics.


We develop the theoretical framework


We perform the fundamental research


We create the applicable solutions


The Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy devotes its research to a method, which may enable us to use the energy inherent in the quantum vacuum as a source of energy.

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Concerning its basic construction, the Reid-Cell is related to a capacitor. Reid-Cells contain a solid polycrystalline silicate instead of a typical electrolyte. The Reid-Cell exhibits an entirely novel mode of generating electric energy.

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Technische Universität München

Master Thesis

Technical University Munich (TUM) – Master Thesis sees biggest potential in QPM technology.

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The documentary film “Symmetric Electric Systems and the Energetic Exchange with the Quantum-Vacuum” explains the interaction between the energy within the quantum-vacuum and the energy flow in an electric circuit.

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Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy
Toelzerstr. 2, 82031 Gruenwald – GERMANY

tel: +49 / (0) 89 4523 1171

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